


Saturday, October 25, 2008

My dog Torro

I have a dog.Its name is torro. It is fat and furry.
It is a chow chow.I like to hug it because it can keep me warm.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

things I like

I like to eat apples,pears,strawberis and other fruits.I like red,blue,purple,gold,silver and white.
I like to play scissors-paper-stone,gameboy,psp,xbox and video games.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


exams are here! I have to study hard to pass my. Exams.to buy new games。 I love my mommy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some Pictures of Boys' Brigade Childrens' Day @ Bottle Tree

Happy Mommy and Daryle

Am I handsome?

Ice-Cream and Balloon! A MUST HAVE!!!

8 October 2008, Wednesday

I like to play PSP. My favorite game is pokemon. I have a little God-brother named Bryan Titus. He also likes to play PSP too. I have a maid her name is Karton. The End


Hi Daryle,

This is Mommy. You had asked me to create a blog for you just now.


Hope you like this pleasant surprise! Mommy's not an expert with this too.. Let's embark on an exciting journey together!!!

(P/S: Mommy loves you... always...)