


Thursday, December 25, 2008

merry cristmas

hohoho merry christmas and a happy new year

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

merry cristmas

merry Christmas everyone

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


Finally the exams are over and I can play with my dog every time I am so happy.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Hi there, my Baby Daryle!

Mommy wants to congratulate you on passing your English and Maths exam... It has been a long time since you pass your Maths exam. Mommy knows you tried very hard in your studies and I hope you will keep up the good work. Mommy knows you did all these for me, so that I could smile and be happier. Mommy knows you love me.... and you want me to be happy. Thank you darling... I hope you like the reward which I gave you.

Hee... Congratulations again my darling...

Remember my dear boy - Mommy loves you a lot and it shall be this way till the day I leave and be with our dear Lord Jesus.. By the way, maybe it will take another 50 years! Heehee...

Mommy wants you to know that I am proud of you for making those improvement in your school work and your exams. Boy! I am proud of you! Please continue to do well while you are in Primary 3 next year. This time, please try even harder to pass all your tests and exams. Yes, I meant Chinese tests and exams too.
Yo yo yo!!! I'm a proud Mommy!

Daryle... Remember you are the beloved child of God. Please continue to pray all the time because Lord Jesus said before : Ask and you shall be given.
Keep the faith. Always pray and give thanks to our dear Lord Jesus
Daryle, like what was written in the Holy Bible, Jesus loves little children. The mighty one protects little children all the time, even when you sleep... Remember, God can give you so much love which even Mommy can't give you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

I am going to p3 next year. I AM VERY EXCITED!TO LEARN SINCE

Monday, November 3, 2008

I like to read,comics and story books.I like to watch,naroto and pokemon

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Today I went to my church.the name of the class is Sunbeam.I learned that I have to pray all the time.

I wonder

I wonder if I am going to pass my exam

I wonder

I wonder if I am going to pass my exams
I hope so.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

My dog Torro

I have a dog.Its name is torro. It is fat and furry.
It is a chow chow.I like to hug it because it can keep me warm.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

things I like

I like to eat apples,pears,strawberis and other fruits.I like red,blue,purple,gold,silver and white.
I like to play scissors-paper-stone,gameboy,psp,xbox and video games.

Saturday, October 11, 2008


exams are here! I have to study hard to pass my. Exams.to buy new games。 I love my mommy.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Some Pictures of Boys' Brigade Childrens' Day @ Bottle Tree

Happy Mommy and Daryle

Am I handsome?

Ice-Cream and Balloon! A MUST HAVE!!!

8 October 2008, Wednesday

I like to play PSP. My favorite game is pokemon. I have a little God-brother named Bryan Titus. He also likes to play PSP too. I have a maid her name is Karton. The End


Hi Daryle,

This is Mommy. You had asked me to create a blog for you just now.


Hope you like this pleasant surprise! Mommy's not an expert with this too.. Let's embark on an exciting journey together!!!

(P/S: Mommy loves you... always...)